In Module 4 of the Introductory Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward System of Change, we start seeing what is possible, what can lie ahead, what we want in our lives, and what is yet to be cleared out. This is where I help you focus on setting your dreams and intentions that serve your highest good.
I understand that I’m not the only one who goes through this. It’s the: If I buy a coffeemaker (towels, hair dryer, pots and pans, whatever!), it means I’m putting down roots. It is a statement. A firm intent. A commitment to a place.
One of the important spiritual and emotional practices we use in our third phase of the Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward System of Change is the practice of forgiveness. It comes after we have admitted to ourselves that we need change, and we realize we need help from others including Spirit.
When I was in college, we learned about something called ethnocentrism: the evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture.
1. I’m going to be OK. Really.
2. People are friendly and engaging, especially if you are friendly and engaging, too. 3. Change is just change. It is disconcerting and disorienting. But you get through it. 4. Unfamiliar places quickly become familiar. Whew. 5. Want a friend? Be a friend. Reach out, listen, appreciate, laugh, and say yes. 6. Did I mention laugh? Life is so much better if you laugh. For me, it came at those times of loss. When my mom died and when my marriage ended. When I lost an important job-- or my sense of identity that went with that job. I was hurt, confused, and scared.
Recently, Wanda, Wayne, Liz, and I met together for a first get-acquainted dinner at a nearby Indian restaurant. We each have different life stories and differing reasons for being in Penang, Malaysia.
Take a moment to think about your day. Did some good things happen? Funny things? Silly things? Touching things? Irritating things? Did anything or anyone make you stop and say, “Wow!” “Thank you.” “That was amazing.” “How beautiful!” Did anyone give you a hand, a smile, or an encouraging word?
I know what it takes to take that first step of acknowledging that you need some change in your life. That’s why I’m offering you a FREE consultation to see if this is the right step for you. Just schedule a totally free, no obligation consultation with me, and let’s do a sample session and learn more about each other.
I’m discovering how much joy I get in having tasks to do or a plan for the day when I get up in the morning. Those tasks and that purpose keep me sane and thriving during this change in my life.
AuthorCertified Body Code Practitioner, life coach and energy healer, former non-profit executive with years of experience in caring for and about people and their place in this world. Friend of refugees and immigrants, ally to the addiction recovery community--all with respect, love, and compassion for mutual healing. Archives
July 2021
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